Dr. Abhijit Mukherjee Coordinator & Professor |
IGNOU Tinsukia Study Centre (Centre Code-0403) was established at Women’s College, Tinsukia in the year 1991. It is one of the oldest study centre in the entire North-East. Initially the centre was under the jurisdiction of Shillong Regional Centre. After a few years the centre was attached to Guwahati Regional Centre and presently it is under the jurisdiction of Jorhat Regional Centre. The centre was conferred with the best study centre award for excellent support services provided to the learners and to IGNOU Regional Centre Jorhat during the year 2019-20. A glimpse of Courses available at IGNOU Study Centre, Women’s College, Tinsukia: UNDER GRADUATE: BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPAH, BASOH, BAHDH, BAEGH, BAG, BCOMG, BTS, BAVTM etc. |
Mr. Pulak Bhattacharyya Asst. Coordinator & Professor |
POST GRADUATE: MAH, MARD, MCOM, MEC, MEG, MHD, MPA, MPS, MSO, MGPS etc. P.G. DIPLOMA: PGDIBO (International Business Operation), PGDDM (Disaster Management), PGDHE (Higher Education), PGDRD (Rural Development) etc. DIPLOMA: DAFE, DCE, DECE, DNHE (Nutrition & Health Edu.), DTS (Tourism Studies) etc. CERTIFICATE: CAFE, CCP, CIG, CDM, CES, CFN, CHR, CNCC, CRD, CTE (Teaching in English), CTS (Tourism Studies) etc. |
Activities at Study Centre: |
For details please contact : Dr. Abhijit Mukherjee, Coordinator, Mobile No. - 9435134123, Email: ignoulsc0403@ignou.ac.in |